Worship is where we are nourished by God’s gifts of water and word, wheat and wine. Music enhances our experience, and expresses our unity as the church. We are a singing congregation!

Worship is also the work of people! There are many ways to be involved and training is available. Help behind the scenes (on the altar guild or as an usher) or leading worship as an assisting minister, reader, or sacramental minister. Offer your musical talent by joining one of our voice or bell choirs (there are opportunities for all ages!) or as an individual soloist. Contact the church office to learn more.

Bethel also offers special services, such as weddings and funerals, which the pastors will help you plan. Contact the church office to be put in touch with one of our pastors.

Worship times are on Sundays at 8:30am and 10:45am (10:30am and outside in the summer). 8:30am service is live streamed on our Youtube channel