Ways to Give

Cash or check gifts may be given during any of the worship services. You may also drop off or mail your gift to the church office. If you would like to give online, you can make a one-time or an automated recurring offering to Bethel using the link below.

PLEASE NOTE: If you already have a recurring online offering through the old Vanco system, please contact Caroline at csmith@bethelnorthfield.org to get your old offering stopped after setting up a new one with our new Breeze online giving system. 

Give Online
Other ways to give

Qualified Minimum Distribution

An IRA Charitable Transfer allows you to make a gift to Bethel directly from your IRA, pay no taxes on the transfer, and count the gift toward your qualified minimum distribution. 

If you are age 70.5 or older and you would like to make a gift directly from your IRA, contact your plan administrator for the appropriate form. Please contact us at finance@bethelnorthfield.org for our Tax ID. 


​Did you know you can make a charitable donation to Bethel using appreciated stock?  This type of gift normally qualifies for a charitable deduction while also avoiding capital gains taxes.  The easiest way to proceed is contact your broker to start a transfer of stock to Bethel's brokerage account.  Please contact finance@bethelnorthfield.org regarding the details of your stock gift or for more information. ​

Time & Talent: 

Giving at Bethel is about so much more than financial contributions. Bethel members give of their time and talent just as generously as their financial gifts. Please contact the office to see how you can contribute.