Nourishing Vocation Project

While we continued to deepen our sense of individual vocation(s), in 2023-2024 we have been thinking about our vocation as a congregation. Four strong values have emerged that seem to be focusing our work here and now:

1. worship

2. community within (fellowship)

3. community beyond (outreach)

4. learning

These values will guide our council and staff through 2024-2025.

Even as we act with greater sense of purpose, the hope is that we will periodically use the VOCARE spiritual practice or other tools to reflect. This will help us maintain or adjust our priorities in years to come, keeping with the understanding of how vocations shift over time.

Nourishing Vocation Project: Who We Are Together
Learn why Bethel is exploring vocation as individuals and as a congregation here.

April’s devotional materials root us in Psalm 46 and help us consider Experiences of the Holy. 

How do experiences of the holy in everyday life shape your life and its horizons (and your perception of vocation for yourself as an individual, or for Bethel as a congregation)?

 Committees and small groups are being asked to engage this material too! Consider starting your meeting with the reflection, one of the questions, or the provided prayer.